Tutti Passeurs d'Arts incorporates music, dance, theatre, painting, poetry and acting and looks to reach out to sections of the population that are too often excluded from artistic projects. Tutti Passeurs d’Arts believes that those most in need of art are also those who are often the most distant from it. And, the organisation’s child orchestras demonstrate in a striking way that art is a social tool with extraordinary virtues, a social space in which everything can be learnt. 

A follower of the Venezuelan Sistema method, Tutti Passeurs d’Arts sees its essential mission as being the use of artistic practice to build humanity and to help it flourish. They believe that the collective experience of art has a positive effect on all audiences and that, through coming into contact with new groups, artists discover the extent of the value of their art forms and the knowledge that they can and must share. In particular, Tutti Passeurs d’Arts looks to profoundly change the lives of those children and their families who find themselves in great social difficulty.

Tutti Passeurs d’Arts operates all of its activities according to the following charter:

  • We want to allow access to the arts for all, using the most exciting collective pedagogies.
  • The Passeurs’ Maisons d'Art are open to all, especially the weakest and the most deprived.
  • We create an environment conducive to a demanding, fulfilling arts education, based on the principles developed by the Maestro José-Antonio Abreu in Venezuela.
  • Although we are open to any artistic discipline which is dedicated to the pursuit of quality and other arts will also take their place in time, the symphony orchestra and the choir represent the backbone of our organisation
  • We take care to reduce educational underachievement and aggressive behaviour and we encourage mutual support and ensure that our most able members support those in need of more help
  • We do not accept any form of social discrimination and ensure that all children and teenagers have access to the Passeurs d'Arts system free of charge
  • We spread the principles of Passeurs d'Arts within the Maison Passeurs d'Arts (for example, within schools and social centres)
  • Each Maison Passeurs d'Arts has a centre for health and disabilities
  • We put in place a system of innovative training, so that our supervisors and teachers have access to the best collective pedagogies and the principles of Passeurs d'Arts
  • We make use of artist patrons and mobilise their skills to help our work grow and benefit a large number of children, adolescents and young adults