Now you can watch Dream Orchestra´s new documentary by the Swedish film producer Erik Eger. In just 7 minutes, it tells Dream Orchestra´s history and shows its gradual development as an integrating multicultural orchestra community. After having started in 2016 attending unaccompanied underage asylum seekers and, from 2017, reaching out to children and young people with a refugee or migration background, today Dream Orchestra proposes a community that represents the entire Swedish society, interested in sharing their cultural heritage, learn about music of the world and celebrate their traditions together.

This documentary was made possible with the support of Postkodstiftelsen. Watch below.


In addition, Dream Orchestra has just released its first publication, inspired in the Venezuelan El Sistema model and enriched by the particular experiences of Ron Davis Alvarez and Franka Verhagen. It proposes a community model where the intensive learning practice of musical skills and the pursuit of musical excellence is accompanied by the explicit learning of social and emotional skills, the development of auditory and intellectual understanding and spiritual enjoyment of musical language. The book is intended especially for musicians who are curious about what is needed to become an inspirational teaching conductor. Telling the story (and history) of Dream Orchestra, the book is an introduction to its learning model offering insight and practical tips on how to approach the musical training of young people in the orchestra in a holistic way. You can buy your printed copy by writing an email to

Dream Orchestra is a non-profit association that offers free orchestral- and music-educative activities at its three venues (Gothenburg, Lövgärdet and Alingsås). You can support them by becoming a monthly donor, a sponsor or a friend. Music is not the only important thing within Dream Orchestra. Its members get a chance to find a safe space for themselves, in which they can develop as a global citizen through respect and tolerance, meet new friends, and create an entirely new musical community.