An introduction to the Fondation EME

In a society in search of dignity and inclusion, the Fondation EME seeks to enable everyone to live better together through the universal language of music.

The Fondation EME in action

Providing hope in a society in search of dignity and inclusion

Concerned by the challenges posed by increasing inequality, a lack of social justice and the emerging humanitarian crises surrounding the reception of migrants, the Fondation EME was set up in 2009 to take an active part in the fight against the violation of human dignity

The Fondation EME has made it its goal to increase the sense of well-being, inclusion and dignity amongst people who are vulnerable or distressed. To achieve this goal, the foundation's activities are designed to acknowledge and respect the diversity of their participants, to help move them forwards, to encourage them to express themselves and to give them the confidence to take charge of their own destinies.

Thanks to the commitment of talented musicians, the support of the Philharmonie Luxembourg and private donors and the many partnerships with its host structures, the Fondation EME has been able to make good progress and has organised c. 600 events every year since its foundation for disabled children, the elderly, refugees, prisoners, autistic teenagers and single parents.

Music is a universal and inclusive language

A keystone of the Fondation EME approach is the conviction that music not only brings joy but also transcends barriers, promoting individual and collective well-being, building self-confidence and trust in others and fostering hope for a better life.

Therefore, music is alive and well and on offer in an infinite number of styles and via the most varied of instruments at the Fondation EME. Music at the Fondation EMA is also not just an art form in isolation and is applied in a number of different contexts, combining with dance, theatre, physical expression and the visual arts. Yet, in whichever context and combination it occurs, music at the Fondation EMA always pursues the goals of fostering exchanges between cultures and generations and of enabling everyone to live better together.

Watch clips of projects from the first decade of the Fondation EME

Find out more about the Fondation EME & its projects

The Fondation EME operates a number of projects across a diverse set of fields, working with children, people with health conditions or impairments and the socially disadvantaged.

For an overview of what these projects entail, visit the Fondation EMA's own project page at

To find out more general information about Fondation EME or to follow them on social media, make use of the links and/or the social media icons at the top of this page.