Orquesta Escuela in Zaragoza is the initiative of a group of musicians who promote community music projects built around orchestras. The Orquesta Escuela project began in 2013, with a number of campaigns to collect musical instruments. In 2016, Orquesta Escuela then started working with groups of children. Currently, Orquesta Escuela is headquartered in one of Spain’s key creative and artistic spaces, Harinera Zaragoza, where, with the collaboration of more than 20 institutions at both the local and national level, it works to provide weekly musical training sessions for more than 60 children.


Orquesta Escuela’s aims to mobilise resources in order to make music accessible to all social strata. Its school orchestras are community music projects which seek social transformation by offering minors at risk of exclusion access to musical practice. 

Together with the social services of the neighbourhoods of San José, Casco Viejo and Oliver, Orquesta Escuela works with groups of children and adolescents between the ages of six and 17. Its modus operandi sees the application of the innovative Sistema-influenced Orquesta Escuela methodology, which is relatively new to Spain, but has a history of more than 40 years and is present in 55 countries worldwide. 

Orquesta Escuela organises group practice sessions, seeking to develop musical expression as a whole, not just artistic excellence. In addition to the teachers and students, volunteers, conservatoire students, musicians and retirees also participate in rehearsals, turning each session into a real community learning experience. The entire Social School Orchestra community practice programme is free for families. In addition, thanks to the Library of Musical Instruments project, children receive their own instruments to practice on at home, facilitating access to musical culture.


- 1st prize Yuzz Aragonesa Enterprising Woman 2017, for the Orquesta Escuela’s artistic director, Kira Rivares 
- 1st prize at the Young Innovation Awards 2016, awarded by the Tomillo Foundation and CVC Partners 
-  1st prize Ideas for Social and Cooperative Entrepreneurship 2016, awarded by the University of Zaragoza

Spanish speakers can find out more about Orquesta Escuela by visiting their own website at http://www.orquestaescuela.org