Superar in Bosnia-Herzegovina was established in August 2017 with the aim of giving children in Bosnia and Herzegovina the chance of realising their dreams and strengthening their self-esteem through the experience of making music together. Superar provides training in music and dance and offers access to the positive effects of the performing arts to all children free of charge.

Superar in Bosnia-Herzegovina perfom in Sarajevo's National Theatre

Superar students:

  • overcome social and cultural boundaries
  • are empowered to seize opportunities
  • establish dialogue across borders
  • inspire their peers and communities through their work
  • and celebrate common creative work with contagious joy

Music making at Superar also strengthens soft skills such as concentration skills, attitude, communication, creativity, self-awareness, discipline, confidence and responsibility. Making music together fosters teamwork, hones the children’s ability to express and accept criticism and creates a lasting sense of community. Superar in Bosnia-Herzegovina believe that every child possesses a natural ability for music. Through training based on respect, enthusiasm and positive motivation, Superar in Bosnia-Herzegovina’s children develop a deep connection with music that will last a lifetime.